Artistry In Motion Dance Photo Sign-Up Page

Early Sign-up ends at midnight on June 14th, 2013. 
After this time, you will need to fill out a paper form at dress rehearsal.

   Save MONEY, TIME and HASSLE!!  

By doing this, you will NOT need to deal with ANY paper work on photo day.   Pay with debit/credit card OR with a check.
You will simply state your name and receive "tickets" for the individual shots you have purchased.  Thanks a bunch!

  • you are saving YOURSELF some money ($2 per sitting),

  • and you are saving EVERYONE a bit of hassle!

  • For more detail, see "How it all works" click here.


 How many individual pictures/outfits will you need?    
    • Count costumes that you want photos of - all the dancers in your family
    • If you want a photo with "siblings" together, count that as one
    • SMALL GROUPS or TEAMS - these are equivalent to 3 Individuals
    • For every outfit sitting , you will have at least 2 shots to view, in many cases 3 or 4!  And you can buy any and all!

    REMEMBER, what you pay now is so you can even have it taken.  Individual photos are optional.
    You will still pay a bit more, plus shipping, to actually receive photo products...
    BUT YOU RECEIVE $10 OFF EVERY package ordered!

  Individual Photos (per outfit)       Qty Individual Photos (# of outfits) @ $12 each     
Again, understand that this is PART ONE of the payment process...When the photos are available to view, you will pay PART TWO plus shipping.

  DVDs     While I'm at it, add a video or 2 to my order!   Your kids will love watching it this summer!

Qty   Price includes tax & shipping

Qty   Price includes tax & shipping

Questions or problems?